Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jingle Jangles

Commercials often are annoying. Plus, they make my dog bark (Damn you, Kelly Ripa and your dog birthday party. Same sentiment to you, pistachio-eating honey badger. Oh, and squealing zip line pig? You're the worst). Bark, bark, bark.

Yet I've recently found myself tapping my toes to a few adverts. There were catchy songs representing the wonderful world of buying paint at a big box store or owning a Prius. Or something like that - the products aren't what caught my eye; rather it was the songs that caught my ear.

These ladies can sang. Rangy, both in vocal quality and style, from sea shanties to swigging a beer polkas to pouty London teenage angst to smooth 40s vintage to groovy chill to even some heartfelt ballads. Both albums have an overall upbeat quality with drama and flair and mostly fun times & a wink. I mean, any song with a cowbell in it works for me.
April Smith and the Great Picture Show - Songs for a Sinking Ship

Eliza Doolittle - Eliza Doolittle

So, thank you, commercials. And the best part is that Bryndal doesn't bark at these at all.

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